Phones answered: Monday 7 AM - 5 PM | Tuesday through Friday 7 AM - 6 PM
Clinic phone number: 612-376-7708

On this page you'll find information about: (shortcut to scrolling) Bleeding

Bleeding can vary from light/spotty to as heavy as a normal period. It can last for a couple of days or on/off for a couple of weeks. It is not uncommon to stop bleeding and then start again 3-8 days after the procedure. At this time, the bleeding may be heavier and you may pass dark, grape jelly-like clots. THIS IS NORMAL. Call the clinic if you are soaking/saturating one maxi pad in one hour, continuing for 3 to 5 hours. It is also normal to have no bleeding at all. Your next period should come in 3 to 8 weeks and may be heavier than normal.


Take your temperature 3 times a day for 3 days following the procedure. If your temperature should elevate to 100.4 or higher, take 2 acetaminophen (Tylenol) and continue taking your antibiotics. If your temperature does not come down with acetaminophen over the next 2 hours, call the clinic.


Cramping is a natural response by the uterus to contract back to its non-pregnant state and to control bleeding. Cramping is normally slight to moderate. You may take ibuprofen (i.e. Advil, Nuprin) as long as you do not have sensitivity to aspirin. Applying heat (warm tub bath, heating pad, etc.) may also help to decrease cramping. It is not unusual to have increased cramping 3 to 8 days after your procedure.

Infection Control

Your cervix is dilated during the procedure, therefore, you are potentially more susceptible to infection. You will be given a prescription for an antibiotic as a precautionary measure. Take the medication as directed until it is gone unless advised otherwise. The antibiotic may cause nausea, upset stomach and/or a yeast infection. Your skin may become photosensitive while on this medication, so avoid tanning while taking the antibiotic. You MUST AVOID douching, tampon use and intercourse for 2 weeks. (ANYTHING INSERTED IN THE VAGINA COULD CAUSE A PELVIC INFECTION).

Physical/Emotional Changes

Changes take place in a woman's body during pregnancy due to the increase in hormones. Among these changes is breast tenderness or fullness, secretion of milk from the breasts, fluid retention, complexion changes, nausea, and emotional "highs" and "lows". These changes reverse themselves following the procedure.
  • Wearing a bra with good support may help decrease breast tenderness.
  • Do not stimulate the breasts. Stimulation may cause or increase milk secretion.
  • A cool shower and/or ice-packing your breasts may decrease tenderness. (Do not apply ice directly to skin.)
  • Nausea should subside very soon after the procedure.

If you are concerned about how you are feeling physically/emotionally, call the clinic and ask to speak with a member or our staff.


There is no medical reason why you can't resume normal activities/exercise following the procedure. You may bathe, swim, and return to work or school. You may drive. (Driving must be avoided for 24 hours following the procedure if you had the oral or IV sedation.) For some people, too much activity may cause fatigue or increase bleeding and cramping. If this happens, lighten your activity level. If you feel better in a couple days, and you have had no other medical problems, you may return to your normal physical activities. Refer to the CRAMPING and BLEEDING sections as needed.

Future Pregnancies

Throughout the history of this facility, our physicians have found no evidence to conclude that this procedure in and of itself has an effect on future pregnancies. However, it is always important to tell your physician about your pregnancy history when planning to continue a pregnancy to ensure the safest outcome.

Post-Procedure Follow-up

To make sure that the abortion was complete, we recommend that you do a urine pregnancy test in 4 weeks. You will receive a pregnancy test kit in the recovery room. If the result is positive 4 weeks after the abortion, call our office to make an appointment, or see your own doctor to follow-up.

A positive urine pregnancy test does not necessarily mean you are still pregnant. It takes time for the pregnancy hormone to reach a level low enough to have a negative result.

Call the clinic if you have problems, such as fever, chills, excessive bleeding, cramping or pain. A doctor is on-call 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. The number to call for problems is: 612 376-7940.

Meadowbrook Women’s Clinic is not responsible for any hospital or doctors fees if you choose to see your own doctor for follow-up.

Meadowbrook Women's Clinic, P.A.
825 South 8th Street, Suite 1018
Minneapolis, MN 55404

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