DIRECTIONS From the Northwest: Take 94 East to Exit 230: 4th St. Follow 4th St. Turn right onto Chicago Ave. Turn left onto South 9th St. Enter parking ramp on your left. (To go back: Right onto 9th St., right onto Chicago, left onto 3rd St., follow to 94 West.) From the Northeast: Take 35W South to Exit 17C: Washington Ave. Keep right and turn right onto Washington. Turn left onto Chicago Ave. Turn left onto South 9th St. Enter parking ramp on your left. (To go back: Right onto 9th St., right onto Chicago, right onto Washington, left onto 35W North.) From the East: Take 94 West to Exit 234B: 5th St. Follow 5th St., keeping left. Carefully turn left onto Chicago Ave. Turn left onto South 9th St. Enter parking ramp on your left. (To go back: Right onto 9th St., right onto Chicago, right onto 6th St., follow to 94 East.) From the South: Take 35W North to Exit 16A: Downtown. Take 5th Ave. Exit and follow 5th Ave. Turn right onto South 8th St. Turn right onto Chicago Ave. Turn left onto South 9th St. Enter parking ramp on your left. (To go back: Right onto 9th St., left onto 4th Ave., follow to 35W South.) From the West: Take 394 East to Exit 9B: 6th St. Follow 6th St. Turn right onto Chicago Ave. Turn left onto South 9th St. Enter parking ramp on your left. (To go back: Right onto 9th St., left at 1st Ave. N., follow to 394 West.) ACCOMMODATIONS
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